The original Poker Night at the Inventory sat you down at the card table with the Heavy from Team Fortress 2, Penny Arcade's Tycho, Max from Sam & Max, and Strong Bad from Homestar Runner for rounds of high-stakes Texas hold 'em punctuated by an abundance of wacky conversation. The quirky cast of characters is a real delight. That's fine for the first few hours of entertaining antics, but as the jokes grow stale and the matches become more predictable, the charm fizzles, leaving you itching for actual human opponents to play against. Serious poker playing often takes a backseat to the funny interactions that unfold between this group of likable misfits culled from a few well-known game and TV/film franchises. If you've ever gathered around a table with a gang of buds who aren't particularly great at playing cards but still carry the evening with their oddball banter, then Poker Night 2 will feel very familiar.